
Here's why Tasmania is perfect for making whisky.
Here's why Tasmania is perfect for making whisky.
With so many awards in recent years, it's obvious that Tasmanian whisky makers are doing something very right. Is it the local water, or is it the barley? Could it be the climate? Actually, Taz boasts the ideal combination of location, weather, and locally-sourced ingredients that make it the perfect place for making whisky. Plus LOVE of course. Tasmania's own Callington Mill Distillery practically swept the 2022 San Francisco World Spirits Competition with eight awards for single malt whisky and additionally a medal for its incomparable Poltergeist Gin.  Four of the awards for Callington Mill Single Malt Whisky were highly regarded Double Gold awards, identifying them as "among the finest products in the world."ALMOST AS SCOTTISH AS SCOTLANDDespite the lack of Hebridean gorse and the presence of local eucalyptus, Tasmania sometimes feels closer to Scotland than to Sydney, said The Guardian in a 2014 article that went on to extol the area's cool air, grey skies, lush countryside, local highland peat, and abundance of impeccably clean water that make Tasmania an ideal location for distilling spirits.THE FORESIGHT OF BILL LARK Heralded as the Godfather of modern Tasmanian whisky, Bill Lark was well aware of our favourite island's potential for producing world-class whisky years before bringing forth his first bottles. As Broadsheet tells the story, Lark and his father in law were enjoying each other's company on a fishing trip in the highlands when the pair put forth the idea of using the local barley, water, peat, and climate to produce whisky that could rival Scotland. In 1992, Lark did just that, opening the first small, legal distillery in Tasmania in more than 150 years.WATERAs whisky's main component, water has everything to do with the final product of any distillery. It is well known that the water that flows from the Tasmanian highland rainforests to the midlands to the Blackman River is some of the most pristine H20 anywhere on Earth. Tasmanian Rain, a company that catches, bottles, and sells local rainwater, explains that the air currents that bring rain to Tasmania's western shores originate in Antarctica before traveling across thousands of miles of open ocean, resulting in water that is clean, refreshing, and without impurities. Unlike England where water is generally hard, or high in mineral content, Scotland's water tends to be as soft as rainwater and just right for making whisky. The same can be said for Tasmania, where water hardness levels rarely exceed 10 mg per litre, explains Tales of Travelling Sisters. Acidity, or pH of Tasmanian stream water typically ranges between 5.5 and 7.5 except for humic-rich Tassie lakes and rivers with a pH range of 4.0 to 6.5, explains the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania. Even if you drink your whisky neat, you may enjoy diluting it a bit with spring water before imbibing. In fact, Scottish pubs always present a jug of the stuff whenever whisky is ordered, notes Whisky magazine.BARLEY One of the most famous phrases ever uttered about barley came from the lips of Lady Jane Franklin, wife of Governor John Franklin who exclaimed: "I would prefer barley be fed to pigs than it be used to turn men into swine."Today, whisky aficionados the world over appreciate the humble grain's contribution to adult enjoyment much more than Lady Jane Franklin ever did. She convinced her husband to outlaw the distilling of spirits in Tasmania. Tasmania is perfectly positioned to take full advantage of the barley that thrives in our locale. Hordeum vulgare (Barley) is a tolerant crop that tends to flourish in well-drained Tasmanian soils and does not require a lot of supplementary irrigation, explains the Australian Department of Natural Resources. Bill Lark described the traditional brewing barley he exclusively used to craft his superb whisky as advantageous due to its "big fat oily malt" flavour. Callington Mill is another Tassie distillery that only uses the locally-sourced barley that makes Tasmanian whisky a serious contender on the world whisky stage. Without it, a dram might be good, but it would not measure up to the award-winning bottles produced by local distillers. CLIMATEThe maritime temperate climate of Tasmania with its long hot summer days, short cold winter days, plentiful sunshine, and generally low humidity is just right for distilling single malt whisky. Here in Tasmania, the air is as clean as the water. So clean, in fact, that the World Meteorological Organization–Global Atmosphere Watch maintains a Baseline Air Pollution monitor station on the island. To learn more about Tasmania's clean air see this article. HIGHLAND PEATIn the 20th century, Australian whisky makers relied on imported Scottish peat to dry and smoke locally-grown barley. It was not until the 1990s that Tasmanian highland peat was considered a viable option, when Lyn and Bill Lark became the first legal modern distillers in Taz. Today, some Tassie distillers employ Taz-grown peat to deliver the subtle, earthy smokiness that makes local “peaty” malt whisky such a delight.COPPER STILLS AND OAK CASKS Ingredients, climate, and water contribute mightily to Tasmanian whisky, but they're not the only factors that matter. The stills in which whisky is distilled and the casks in which it ages are also imperative to the quality of the final product. Copper pot stills such as those used by Callington Mill are not only beautiful to look at, they interact in a positive way with vapour during distillation. Inside a copper still, fruity esters are developed and volatile sulfur compounds, including ethyl carboxamide, trimethyl-sulphide, and dimethyl trisulphide are removed, explains Scotch Whisky magazine. Another plus to copper stills is the way the natural element inhibits bacterial contamination.Casks also figure into the final flavour of whisky. This is why Callington Mill matures exclusively in Oak casks sourced and crafted by our own Callington Mill Cooperage. Callington Mill’s Oak policy determines our whiskey profile - our final character - our DNA. We predominately use the best quality ex fortified wine Oak Casks from the Douro Valley in Porto Portugal and from the Sherry Triangle region Jerez de la Frontera in Andalucia Spain. We also source the best Australian ex fortified wines. This represents 80% of our Oak strategy. In order to add layers of diversity and complexity we source the remaining 20% of our oak program from the exotic regions of the world - France - Mexico - Jamaica - South America - US - Japan. We are also trying to secure Oak supply from regions never before used in whiskey making. This will remain a secret - so stay tuned.  Now that you understand why Tasmania is the perfect place to make the perfect whisky, we hope you will try it for yourself. If you have any questions about our ingredients, contact us and ask us anything. 
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Our whisky making process
Our whisky making process
With all the wonderful Tasmanian whiskies that are available today, it's a bit hard to believe that it's only been 30 years since the laws changed to allow whisky to once again be sold here. Nowadays skilled whisky makers such as Bill Lark, Damian Mackey and John Ibrahim use locally-sourced ingredients to craft Tasmanian whisky and the results are as remarkable as anything to ever come out of Scotland.HOW A GREAT WHISKY IS MADE: THE INGREDIENTSThe ingredients used by Callington Mill Distillery to craft our world-class whisky are relatively simple: water, malted barley and yeast. Copper stills, oak casks, and careful attention to every detail also contribute to the exceptional product that makes up Callington Mill Single Malt Whisky.Revered as the godfather of Tasmanian whisky, land surveyor Bill Lark was on a fishing trip with his father-in-law when he had a flash of brilliance. After finishing their trout dinner, the pair postulated the reasons why Tasmania, with its ideal climate and naturally available ingredients, was no longer producing whisky. Lark purchased a copper pot still and learned how to distil at South Australia's Roseworthy Agricultural College before approaching the government for a license. Lark contacted the Minister for Small Business and Customs and after various political steps were taken, the anti-distillery law was changed, and Lark was awarded the first post-prohibition license to make whisky in Tasmania. Today, there is a kindred brotherhood of local distilleries, including Callington Mill Distillery, that produce exceptional whisky and gin. Diverse as they are, each Taz distillery relies on the same local ingredients:WATERThe water used at Callington Mill Distillery is sourced from the nearby Blackman River. Fed with rainfall influenced by an atmospheric phenomenon called the Indian Ocean Dipole, this pristine water source provides everything needed to grow the local malt barley that makes Taz whiskies so exceptional. Water also plays a crucial role throughout the whisky making process. During the mash, grain is incorporated with warm water. Water is also used to cool the spirits after they exit the still. After maturing in a cask, water may be added to spirits to lower its proof, or alcohol content, before bottling. So, you can see how imperative excellent water is to the making –and enjoyment of world-class whisky.BARLEYDespite Lady Jane Franklin's admonishment that Tasmanian barley be used for anything but whisky, today's Tasmanian barley growers offer much of their product for exactly that purpose. Before it can be used to craft whisky, carefully selected barley grains undergo a three-stage process known as malting:HOW A GREAT WHISKY IS MADE: MALTING THE BARLEYThe first step to malting involves allowing the raw grains to soak, or 'steep' in cool water just long enough to begin sprouting. After verifying the ideal moisture content of around 45 percent by weight, the barely-sprouted barley is drained, spread on malting beds, and 'air rested' prior to the second stage of the malting process. Step two is germination, or 'modification' which typically lasts between three and seven days. During this all-important stage, moisture content and ambient temperature are carefully monitored. Too-hot and too-wet conditions can lead to mould growth, while conditions that are too cold or too dry may discourage further sprouting. In case you're wondering, moisture content determines the darkness and colour of the malted barely which can range from very pale to amber to chocolaty-brown. Once dried, the green malt barley is roasted in a peat kiln to achieve its final flavour. The third step in prepping barley for whisky-making is separation of grist and husk, after which the malted barley is milled, mashed, and coaxed to ferment.HOW GREAT WHISKY IS MADE: FERMENTATIONMilled and mashed barley is placed in a vessel and mixed with hot water. At this point, any remaining starches are liquefied and enzymes within the sprouted barley become active and convert into fermentable sugars. Known as mash or wort, this sugary ferment is boosted by the addition of yeast. At Callington Mill Distillery, we employ a longer-than-usual fermentation period of seven days and avoid waste by giving our excess draff to local pig farmers. HOW A GREAT WHISKY IS MADE: MATURATIONThe last, but certainly not the least important, step in the whisky-making process is maturation. This is the time when a potentially good spirit becomes excellent whisky. At Callington Mill Distillery we mature our Single Malt Whisky in oak casks sourced and crafted by our own Callington Mill Cooperage. Time-consuming as it is, we never cut corners or hurry the maturation process. Callington Mill’s Oak policy determines our whiskey profile. We focus on the best quality ex fortified wine Oak Casks from the Douro Valley in Porto Portugal and from the Sherry Triangle region Jerez de la Frontera, Andalucia Spain.We also source the best Australian ex fortified wines. This represents 80% of our Oak strategy. In order to add layers of diversity and complexity we source the remaining 20% of our oak program from the exotic regions of the world - France - Mexico - Jamaica - South America - US - Japan. We are also trying to secure Oak supply from regions never before used in whiskey making. Once you've tasted our delightful drams, we think you'll agree that Callington Mill Distillery does whisky right.WANT TO TRY IT FOR YOURSELF?:If all this talk about whisky making has given you a thirst for the good stuff, come visit Callington Mill Distillery and try a sample or two for yourself. Or discover our whisky making process for yourself with the self-guided and guided tours. We are conveniently located at 6 Mill Lane in Oatlands, Tasmania. Head on over to our Tours page for more information and to book your guided tour. We look forward to meeting you!
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